Caminho da Torre Velha, Sesmarias, Albufeira (V)
Secured loan for real estate project in Algarve, Portugal
Prelungirea D13, Mamaia-Sat, Constanta (II)
Luxury apartment in Mamaia Beach Resort at the Black Sea shore
Rua do Bolhão, Oliveira do Douro, VNG (VII)
Gesichertes Darlehen für ein Immobilienprojekt mit 8 Reihenhäusern in Portugal
Pärtli tee 6, Valkla (V)
Mortgage secured residential development project
Rua de Currais, Avessadas, Marco de Canaveses (II)
1st rank mortgage loan in Portugal
Rua dos Amieiros, Pedroso (III)
Construction Loan for a pre-sold Luxury House, LTV 25%
Soseaua Bucuresti-Magurele 82W, Bucuresti (III)
135 apartments in Bucharest, District 5, ~30% pre-sold
Pesapuu tn 14, Meremõisa (II)
Single-family house development in Lääne-Harju parish
Caminho da Torre Velha, Sesmarias, Albufeira (IV)
Secured construction loan for luxury real estate project
Puiestee tn 108, Tartu (II)
Apartment flipping in Tartu
Pesapuu tn 14, Meremõisa (I)
Aardla tn 15, Tartu
Prelungirea D13, Mamaia-Sat, Constanta (I)
Veeru tee 2, 4, 6, Nõo (V)
Construction of 3 private houses near Tartu, Estonia
Pärtli tee 6, Valkla (IV)
Veeru tee 8, 10, 12, Nõo (III)