Via Fiuggi 12, Milano
Secured loan to develop 2 apartments in Milan
USL Invest OÜ (II)
Additional working capital
Klaose tn 12, 14, Tartu (II)
Mortgage secured row house development project
Baltic Forest OÜ (X)
12-month working capital loan
Peterburi tee 19/21, Tallinn (II)
Secured bridge loan
L. Koidula 32, Tallinn (IV)
Mortgage-backed short term loan
Veskioja tn 1, Alliku
Row house with 8 apartments
Pargi 10, Tartu (II)
Hüpoteegiga tagatud ehituse finantseerimislaen
Kama Grupp AS (I)
Investment loan
Koru põik 1, Alliku (IV)
6-apartment row house in Laagri, Estonia
Steel Express Haldus OÜ (II)
Short-term investment loan
Taevasilma tn 5, Alliku (I)
Row house with 10 apartments
Ozolciema iela 4, Rīga
Mortgage-backed residential development loan
Koru põik 9, Alliku (I)
Decoreter OÜ (II)
Financing working capital
Steel Express OÜ
Working capital